Bille & Brie and Curtis Stone - what a treat!

Sharon Stegman owner of Bille & Brie with Curtis Stone Celebrity Chef

Curtis Stone & Stephanie Alexander kitchen garden school scheme visit to Tasmania 2022 in conjunction with Coles Supermarkets.

Brief : A graze for the team. A selection of team leaders and outstanding staff were rewarded with a big graze and of course a visit with Curtis Stone to launch the Glebe Hill Coles store opening. 

Curtis was totally charming and really loved the grazing table.

He had a really great chat with me and we had a good laugh together taking a few promo pics. One of the nicest ‘celeb’ chefs I’ve met. Oozes charm this guy…we all had a wonderful afternoon.

Dark Mofo Blue Rose Ball

All the fun of the fair! Bille & Brie's amazing grazing tables for Mona Museum's Dark Mofo 'Blue Rose Ball'

Brief : First event to kick of the amazing Dark Mofo 2023 calendar. 10 year celebration.

Bille & Brie worked alongside creative producer Marissa Tremain for this incredible project for world famous Mona Museum based here in Tasmania.

The brief …to create an amazing breakfast table, a sweets table and of course cheese & charcuterie…expect the unexpected…not of this world, for Mona’s Dark Mofo ‘Blue Rose Ball’.

We decided upon an Americana pop culture style food offering.

We custom designed an over the top sweets table which included colourful cakes, cherry pies, peanut butter & jelly donuts and gorgeous Cupie Dolls handmade in Tasmania and of course, lots of crazy lollies. The Fairy floss to order was a huge hit!

Our next custom table was breakfast themed. The Cat in the Hat came to mind…we made stacks of colourful pancakes with every topping imaginable and cans of whipped cream to smother them with! Then we had loads of colourful savoury rolls with maple bacon, pickled veg or chicken Chipotle.
A garden of Vegan…stacks of gluten – free pink donuts. Not forgetting loads of vegetarian delights.

Everybody was catered for here and it was so much fun!

We also left room for dancers and entertainers to grace the tables.
The third table was Blue & Black…snakes and skulls…a carnivorous delight! Cherry cola baked ham…A huge charcuterie skull..loads of meat filled electric blue rolls..Cheeses galore and some amazing whipped feta & ricotta with yuzu olive oil dip, which we served in big tubs like ice cream.

To say the food was enjoyed was an understatement….everything was demolished with huge enthusiasm!